
The CIAC’s highest organ is the Council, consisting of official representatives from its member churches. The tasks of the Council include:

  • approval of the CIAC’s annual task plan. It estimates costs and reports on the plan’s execution;
  • election of Co-Chairs;
  • election of the Executive Secretary;
  • election of the Revisions Commission and approval of its annual reports;
  • acceptance of resolutions and statements on behalf of CIAC;
  • approval of the CIAC’s agreements on cooperation and joint activities with other organisations;
  • make decisions regarding the CIAC’s entrance and withdrawal from other unions and associations.

Decisions are to be made at Council’s meetings, which are to convene at the initiative of its Executive Secretary no less than twice annually.

The CIAC’s Co-chairpersons preside in-turn at the Council’s sessions.

Decisions are regarded as accepted once the Co-Chairs have achieved unanimity.