Christian Churches of Russia Support Finland’s Christians in their Vindication of Traditional Values

The members of the Christian Inter-Confessional Consultative Committee have published a joint statement in support of the Christians of Finland who vindicate traditional Christian family values.
11.11.2021 | Documents, News | Read more...Communique of joint meeting of Interreligious Council in Russia and Christian Inter-Confessional Consultative Committee

…Asserting peace in a multinational and multi-confessional country, we support the proposal to mention God in the text of the renewed Constitution as we see it as fixing the value of religious beliefs of the peoples of our country tied historically and culturally with the religions that we represent and as spiritual succession to our ancestors.
28.02.2020 | Documents, News | Read more...Appeal adopted at the 6th Plenary Session of the Christian Interconfessional Advisory Committee (Moscow, 30th October 2019)

The Christian Interconfessional Advisory Committee held its 6th Plenary Session in Moscow on 30th October 2019, bringing together representatives of Christian communities from fifteen Eurasian countries.
30.10.2019 | Documents, News | Read more...Patriarch Kirill Directed a Greeting to the Participants of the CIAC’s Plenary Session
I heartily welcome all participants to this plenary session of the “Christian Inter-Confessional Advisory Committee of the CIS-Countries and Baltics”. This session is devoted to the topic of: “The Christian Family – a ‘Small Church’ and the Foundation of a Healthy Society”. The churches in the various countries forming this committee indeed have similar views regarding the tasks facing the global Christian community and share the conviction that the Gospel teaching is not of a passing nature.
04.02.2010 | Documents, News | Read more...Declaration of the Christian Inter-Confessional Advisory Committee for the CIS-Countries and Baltics (Moscow, 4 February 2010)
We, representatives of the Christian churches of the CIS-countries and Baltics – Orthodox, Catholics and Protestants, who have gathered in Moscow, consider it imperative to raise our voices in defence of the traditional norms of Christian morality.
04.02.2010 | Documents, News | Read more...“The Christian Family – a ‘Small Church’ and the Foundation of a Healthy Society”. Final document for the plenary session of the CIAC meeting in Moscow on 4 February 2010
he churches of the CIS countries and Baltics, gathered in Moscow on 2 February 2010, studied carefully the topic entitled: “The Christian Family – a ‘Small Church’ and the Foundation of a Healthy Society” and now report on their joint views regarding family relations. Our view on the role of the family emanates from the Holy Scriptures as the highest authority on moral values and is likewise based on the centuries-old experience of church care for the family.
04.02.2010 | Documents, News |